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Requirements for Working-Holiday / Youth Mobility Agreement Visa

تظهر الصورة بوابة براندنبورغ في برلين مع تمثال الكوادريغا (وهو عربة تجرها أربعة خيول)

برلين، بوابة براندنبورغ, © Colourbox


Requirements for Working-Holiday / Youth Mobility Agreement Visa

The Working Holiday Visa Programme (WHP) is based on a bilateral agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, SAR Hong Kong, Taiwan and Uruguay, as well as a Youth Mobility Programme (YMP) with Canada. These programmes aim at enabling young people to gain insight into culture and daily life in the Federal Republic of Germany. The intention is to promote increased mutual understanding and the applicant’s primary aim should be to visit Germany. The duration of the work permit depends on the nationality of the participant. Employment should remain of temporary character in order to facilitate additional financial means to your holiday travel intentions in Germany. German language skills and work experience are not condition to the visa process, but are likely to improve your chances of finding work.

Who can apply and where?

To be eligible to the Working Holiday Visa (WHV) you must:

  • be a citizen either of Argentina/Australia/Chile/Israel/Japan/New Zealand/Uruguay,
  • be at least 18 years of age but not turned 31 yet when filing an application,
  • not be accompanied by dependent family members (i.g. children) during your stay,

These nationals may lodge an application at any consular post of the Federal Republic of Germany in any country of their choice – also at the German Embassy in Prague. Work is not permitted without a valid WHV. You may participate once only.

To be eligible to the Youth Mobility Visa (YMV) you must:

  • be a citizen of Canada,
  • be at least 18 years of age but not turned 35 yet when filing an application.

Work is not permitted without a valid YMV. You may participate twice but not in consecutive years.

Citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and Israel are encouraged to apply for the WHV directly at the local aliens’ authority (Ausländerbehörde) after having entered Germany. Nevertheless, these nationals may lodge an application at any consular post of the Federal Republic of Germany in any country of their choice.

Korean nationals can apply at the German Embassy in Seoul and Taiwanese citizens at the German Institute in Taipei only. Applicants holding a SAR Hongkong passport must apply at the Consulate General in Hongkong and Brazilian nationals with any German mission in Brazil only.

Which documents must I submit for my visa application?

Please, note that applications have to be made in person by the Applicant himself at the Embassy. All matters regarding the visa application can only be discussed with the Applicant him- or herself.

Visa applications may be submitted at this Embassy by appointment only. An online appointment system is available at www.prag.diplo.de/Terminvergabe.

Students and researchers from outside the EU (third-country nationals) are entitled to special mobility rights within the EU under certain conditions based on the Directive (EU) 2016/801. Third-country nationals who are studying or researching within the EU and hold a residence permit issued by another EU member state under the Directive (EU) 2016/801 are entitled to study and conduct research in Germany without a German residence permit and do not need to apply for a visa. For further information on this topic, please refer to: Mobility rights

1. 1 Application form

2. Passport + 1 copy of all relevant sides

  • The Applicant’s passport has to have at least two blank pages.

  • Please copy the laminated data page and all pages containing visas and stamps.

  • Please note, that the validity of the passport must exceed the duration of the visa by at least 3 months.

3. 2 biometric passport photos

  • Two recently taken biometric passport photographs (in colour, not older than 6 months, created against white background, with a size of 45 x 35 milimetres).

4. CV

  • in English or German, signed by you

  • Note: If you submit it in German, it has to include an explanation how you managed to write it.

5. Motivational letter

  • in English or German, signed by you; explaining why you are interested in the WHP and what are your plans in Germany and if you have already taken part in the WHP in the past.
    If you submit it in German, it has to include an explanation how you managed to write it.
    Note: Standardized letters from the internet are not accepted.

6. Proof of accommodation + 1 copy

  • payed reservation for a hotel OR rental contract
    OR invitation letter, including the address and personal data of your host, signed by the host +
    copy of both sides of the German ID-Card of the host OR passport copy of the host and certificate of registration of the domicile (Meldebescheinigung)
  • Note: Depending on you nationality, the minimum duration of a reservation may vary and the amount of sufficient funds might rise if you do not have a proof of accommodation.

⬜ 7. Flight booking + 1 copy

  • proof of transport from Prague to Germany
    AND return ticket to your home country

  • Note: Depending on you nationality, the amount of sufficient funds might rise if you do not have a return ticket to your home country. OR If you cannot proof that date of the return ticket is changeable, the visa might be issued only until that date. Please highlight relevant passages in the booking terms and conditions!

8. Bank statements + 1 copy

  • To prove that you possess sufficient funds to cover your living expenses in Germany for the first 3 months of your stay, you have to verify that you had these funds constantly on your personal bank account during the last three months. For this purpose please submit bank account statements of the last 3 months.

    Note: Depending on you nationality, the amount of sufficient funds varies and might rise if you cannot prove an accommodation and return flight. Please highlight relevant passages!

  • Additionally to the recent bank statements, you have to show us the corresponding banking card for this account on your name OR your bank has to stamp and sign the account statements.

9. Proof of health insurance + 1 copy

  • evidence of travel health and accident insurance valid in Germany to remain in force through your stay including details about coverage (at least € 30,000 and including costs for medical evacuation/repatriation as well as repatriation of body/urn in case of death).
  • Note: Please highlight relevant passages in the insurance terms and conditions!

10. Visa fee

  • The visa fee is 75 €, payable in cash in CZK at current exchange rate or with credit card (Mastercard or Visa). The visa fee is a handling fee. There will be no refund in case the application will be denied or withdrawn.

11. Information provided to applicants pursuant to Section 54 (2) no. 8 in conjunction with Section 53 of the Residence Act

12. Additional contact and legal representation details

Each visa application is an individual case. The documents to be submitted may therefore differ from case to case. It is possible at any time during the visa procedure that additional documents may be required.

The required documents may vary depending on the nationality of the applicant. Generally you have to fulfil all the conditions stated on the website of the German Embassy in your home country.

All applicants have to submit the original (or a certified copy) of the above mentioned documents. Documents (flight booking, proof of funds and insurances) in a foreign language - excluding English or Czech - must be provided with an official translation into German.

Please highlight relevant passages in the terms and conditions in each of these documents!

Argentinian nationals are also required to provide:

  • Argentinian D.N.I.
  • police conduct from either Argentina www.argentina.gob.ar/solicitar-certificado-de-antecedentes-penales and country of current residence (if you have lived there within the last six months) issued within last 3 months

What else do I need to know? PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

  • The visa application can only be filed at the Embassy with an appointment for „Working Holiday Programm“. Appointments can be made only online at https://prag.diplo.de/cz-de/service/termin-visa-en-seite/1305714. Kindly note that if you book an appointment with any other category, your application and documentation might not be accepted.
  • If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible. Persons who do not show up will be blocked for new appointments in Prague.
  • Applications have to be made in person by the applicant at the Embassy. All matters regarding the visa application can only be discussed with the applicant him- or herself. If your German, English or Czech language skills are not sufficient, a person who can translate should accompany you to the appointment.
  • Please arrive punctually at the beginning of your appointment with fully completed applications and the documents specified in the information sheet, otherwise your application cannot be accepted and you will have to book a new appointment.
  • Please hand in your documents in the above-mentioned order - the originals and, separately, one set of copies each.
  • Please note that only complete visa applications with all the documents required can be accepted.
  • Incomplete documentation may result in the rejection of your application.
  • There is no guarantee that a visa will be issued and we wish to point out that it is at the discretion of the Embassy always to request additional documents at any time while processing the visa. Presenting the aforementioned documents does not guarantee that a visa will be granted.
  • Usually it takes about 1 - 2 weeks to process a working holiday visa application.
  • Applicants will be notified on any change of status or progress of the application as soon as possible and whenever necessary. Please do not enquire on the current status of proceedings. Note: An additional form about contact and legal representation details has to be filled in at the visa counter.
  • To receive your visa sticker you have to appear in person to the Embassy. Please check immediately at the counter, whether all data on your visa sticker is correct and advise any discrepancies. The Embassy will not be held liable for mistakes, if it was not notified of instantly.
  • Upon arrival in Germany border authorities may assess whether the prerequisites to enter Germany are still applicable. This assessment is international practice. You might be refused entry although you are holding a valid visa. In order to facilitate admission formalities and avoid unnecessary delays we strongly recommend that you keep documents providing evidence about the nature of your stay on you, particularly proof of sufficient funds and medical insurance.
  • Once you take domicile in Germany, you must report to the registration authority (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt) within the first two weeks to get a certificate of registration of the domicile (Meldebescheinigung).

How and where to find a holiday job in Germany?

You may obtain information on job availability from every local labour office (Agentur für Arbeit). However, this office can only be of assistance if you intend to work for the same employer at least several weeks. Or else you are advised to directly contact potential employers.

For general information on employment in Germany please contact:

Zentrale Ausland- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Bonn

Phone: +49 911 12031010

Internet: www.arbeitsagentur.de

All statements made in this leaflet are based on best knowledge and experience of the Embassy at the time the leaflet was written (February 2024). As far as correctness and completeness are concerned this information is supplied without liability.

Health Insurance in Visa Procedures

Persons who wish to enter Germany for the purpose of family reunification, to take up employment or to study need permanent private health insurance cover comparable to the provisions of SGB V upon entry

Health Insurance in Visa Procedures

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