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Employment visa requirements

Attachés arbeiten in der Simulation mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen des BMZ und der Bundeswehr zusammen.

Attachés arbeiten in der Simulation mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen des BMZ und der Bundeswehr zusammen., © Katharina Roggmann, Bundeswehr


Employment visa requirements

Thank you for your interest in an extended stay in the Federal Republic of Germany for employment purposes.

Please note that applications must be handed in by the applicant in person. Any matters pertaining to an application will only be discussed with the applicant.

Visa applications may be submitted at this Embassy by appointment only. An online appointment system is available at www.prag.diplo.de/Terminvergabe.

Persons who are in possession of a Blue Card EU of another EU-country for at least 18 months are entitled to file their application directly at the local Alien’s Authority (Ausländerbehörde) in Germany. The application needs to be filed within one month after entry. Taking up employment is allowed only after having received the residence permit.

1. 1 Application form

2. Passport + 1 copy of all relevant sides

  • The Applicant’s passport has to have at least two blank pages.
  • Please copy the laminated data page and all pages containing visas and stamps.
  • Please note, that the validity of the passport must exceed the duration of the visa by at least 3 months.

3. Residence permit + 1 copy

  • Proof of residence permit for the Czech Republic. Please copy both sides of the residence permit card.
  • Please note that the Embassy can only accept visa applications from persons habitually residing in the Czech Republic (for at least 6 months).

    In case of doubt, the submission of further documents, evidence is required (eg. rent contract, work contract).

4. 2 biometric passport photos

  • Two recently taken biometric passport photographs (in colour, not older than 6 months, created against white background, with a size of 45 x 35 milimetres).

5. Proof of professional qualification/university degree + 1 copy

  • Proof of graduate qualifications entitling the applicant to the aspired occupation in Germany (e.g. University degree accompanied by a proof that the degree is recognized in Germany).
  • You can find out wether a foreign university degree is comparable and wether the university itself is recognized in the following data base ANABIN: http://anabin.kmk.org/

    Please submit both print outs (one in respect of the university, one in respect of your degree)

    University degrees that were not acquired at a German or Czech university must be provided with an apostille or legalization note in order to be accepted for the German area of legislation.

  • For recognition Applicants who intend to work in a so called regulated profession must provide a written permission to exercise the profession (Berufsausübungserlaubnis) or the proof that it has been expressly assured that this permission will be received.
  • In case your degree or university is not registered in the ANABIN database, you must first have to have your degree evaluated by the ZAB (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen): www.kmk.org/zab. When receiving the certificate from the ZAB stating the result of the evaluation of your degree, please submit this certificate.
  • In case of non-graduate professional qualifications, a proof of a recognition notice issued by the competent authority must be provided. Further information can be found on:
    • www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de.
    • Hotline „Working and Living in Germany“ (+493018151111)
    • The central service point for recognition of professions [Zentrale Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung (ZSBA)]

6. Proof of language skills + 1 copy

  • Proof of sufficient knowledge of German language, if necessary for the intended employment in Germany. Otherwise proof that another language which the applicant speaks is sufficient.
  • The proof of language skills must not be older than one year.
  • Recognised language certificates are the language certificates issued by the Goethe Institute, a language school certified by TELC or ECL or the ÖSD-certificate.

7. Proof of Employment + 1 copy

  • Current employment contract
  • Signed contract of employment with specific details on the job function, salary, as well as beginning and duration of the employment in Germany. Digital signatures cannot be accepted. The names of the signatories have to be mentioned in the employment contract.

⬜ 8. Declaration regarding a contract of employment + 1 copy

9. Excerpt from the Commercial Register + 1 copy

  • If the signature of the person signing on the part of the employer for the submitted employment contract does not result from the extract from the Commercial Register, proof of the signature authority must be provided.

10. Skilled worker who are 45 years old or older applying for the first time

  • Proof of a gross annual salary of more than 53.130,- € or a proof of an adequate provision for old age. Such proof may be provided particularly in the form of a statutory pension insurance scheme.

11. Proof of accomodation + 1copy

  • Proof of accommodation during the intended period of stay in Germany (e.g. rental agreement, if already available.
  • If not already available, proof of temporary accommodation for at least 4 weeks.

12. Proof of health insurance + 1copy

  • Proof of health insurance valid from the date of arrival and for the duration of the intended stay in Germany (German Statutory – „gesetzliche Krankenversicherung“ - or private health insurance). During the visa process a letter of the insurance company, confirming that sufficient coverage will be guaranteed in case the visa will be granted, is accepted.
  • Please note that a travel health insurance cannot be accepted.

13. CV + 1 copy

  • Complete curriculum vitae with original signature.

14. Visa fee

  • The visa fee is 75 €, payable in cash in CZK at current exchange rate or with credit card (Mastercard or Visa). The visa fee is a handling fee. There will be no refund in case the application will be denied or withdrawn.

15. Information provided to applicants pursuant to Section 54 (2) no. 8 in conjunction with Section 53 of the Residence Act

16. Additional contact and legal representation details

Each visa application is an individual case. The documents to be submitted may therefore differ from case to case. It is possible at any time during the visa procedure that additional documents may be required.

Health Insurance in Visa Procedures

Persons who wish to enter Germany for the purpose of family reunification, to take up employment or to study need permanent private health insurance cover comparable to the provisions of SGB V upon entry

Health Insurance in Visa Procedures

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