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Requirements for Visa for Scientists, Guest Scientists, Scientific Assistants and Researchers

Illustrationsfoto, © Colourbox
Requirements for Visa for Scientists, Guest Scientists, Scientific Assistants and Researchers
Thank you very much for your interest in working and researching in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Please note that applications must be handed in by the applicant in person. Any matters pertaining to an application will only be discussed with the applicant.
Visa applications may be submitted at this Embassy by appointment only. An online appointment system is available at www.prag.diplo.de/Terminvergabe.
⬜ 1. 1 Application form
- Comletely filled out, signed by hand
- Link to the VIDEX-form: https://videx-national.diplo.de
⬜ 2. Passport + 1 copy of all relevant sides
The Applicant’s passport has to have at least two blank pages.
Please copy the laminated data page and all pages containing visas and stamps.
Please note, that the validity of the passport must exceed the duration of the visa by at least 3 months.
⬜ 3. Residence permit + 1 copy
- Proof of residence permit for the Czech Republic. Please copy both sides of the residence permit card.
Please note that the Embassy can only accept visa applications from persons habitually residing in the Czech Republic (for at least 6 months).
In case of doubt, the submission of further documents, evidence is required (eg. Rent contract, work contract).
⬜ 4. 2 biometric passport photos
- Two recently taken biometric passport photographs (in colour, not older than 6 months, created against white background, with a size of 45 x 35 milimetres).
⬜ 5. Invitation/contract + 1 copy
- Contract with the German university in original, containing detailed information on:
- type of scientific activities,
- the position in question,
- duration of stay,
- funding of the stay (salary/scholarship etc.),
- inviting institution.
⬜ 6. For researchers in addition + 1 copy
- Hosting agreement between you and the research institution (sample form).
- If possible the evidence of the recognition of the research facility (BAMF).
⬜ 7. University degree + 1 copy
- Original of your highest university degree with certified translation in German or English.
⬜ 8. Proof of accomodation + 1 copy
- Proof of accommodation during the intended period of stay in Germany (e.g. rental agreement, if already available.
- If not already available, proof of temporary accommodation for at least 4 weeks.
⬜ 9. Proof of health insurance + 1 copy
Proof of health insurance valid from the date of arrival and for the duration of the intended stay in Germany (German Statutory – „gesetzliche Krankenversicherung“ - or private health insurance). During the visa process a letter of the insurance company, confirming that sufficient coverage will be guaranteed in case the visa will be granted, is accepted.
Please note that a travel health insurance cannot be accepted.
⬜ 10. Visa fee
- The visa fee is 75 €, payable in cash in CZK at current exchange rate or with credit card (Mastercard or Visa). The visa fee is a handling fee. There will be no refund in case the application will be denied or withdrawn.
⬜ 12. Additional contact and legal representation details
Each visa application is an individual case. The documents to be submitted may therefore differ from case to case. It is possible at any time during the visa procedure that additional documents may be required.
Health Insurance in Visa Procedures
Persons who wish to enter Germany for the purpose of family reunification, to take up employment or to study need permanent private health insurance cover comparable to the provisions of SGB V upon entry