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Impressions from the Czech-German Day of Applied Science in Prague, 5 February 2019
The Czech-German Day of Applied Science took place in Prage, co-hosted by the German Embassy and the Government's Office of the Czech Republic. Representatives of both countries from the fields of science, business and public administration shared their expertise and views.
Companies across the EU need research and development to stay competitive on the global market. This is especially true in countries as highly industrialised as the Czech Republic and Germany. At the same time, researchers and research institutions look for companies to test and implement their ideas.
The Czech-German Day of Applied Science aimed at helping both science and industry to find the right partners and appropriate financial support for mutually fruitful cooperation. The conference shed light on the political strategies and priorities of both countries in research and development. It provided a detailed overview of supporting schemes and funding programs. Throughout the day more than 160 experts and decision-makers from research, public administration and Business had the opportunity to share knowledge and build new partnerships.