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Životopis německé ministryně obrany dr. Ursuly von der Leyen


17. prosince 2013 převzala dr. Ursula von der Leyen úřad německé spolkové ministryně obrany.

17. prosince 2013 převzala dr. Ursula von der Leyen úřad německé spolkové ministryně obrany.

dr. Ursula von der Leyen

Date of birth: 8 October 1958
Place of birth: Brussels

Political career

Since December 2013: Minister of Defence

2009 - 2013: Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

2005 - 2009: Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Since December 2004: Member of the Presidium of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) of Germany

March 2003 to November 2005: Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family Affairs and Health, Lower Saxony

2003 - 2005: Member of the CDU in the State Assembly of Lower Saxony

2001 - 2004: Held various local political positions in the region of Hanover

1999: Member of the Physicians’ Working Group of the CDU in Lower Saxony

Since 1990: Member of the CDU

Professional and academic career

1998 - 2002: Member of the academic staff, Department of Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health System Research, Hanover Medical School (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, MHH)

1995: Market analysis, Stanford Health Services Hospital Administration

1993: Auditing guest, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

1992 - 1996: Lived in Stanford, California, USA

1988 - 1992: Assistant physician, Women's Clinic, Hanover Medical School


2001: Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)

1991: Doctorate

1987: State examination and licence to practice

1980 - 1987: Studied medicine at the Hanover Medical School

1978: London School of Economics

1977 - 1980: Studied economics, Göttingen and Münster

1971 - 1976: Attended grammar school with a special focus on mathematics and science, Lehrte

1964 - 1971: European School of Brussels

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